Wednesday, June 2, 2010

30 days of creativity

Thanks to Alauna, of the famed Things Alauna Makes, I am inspired to take on the 30 days of creativity challenge. You can learn more about this amazing challenge here. So...with this challenge comes many blogs. I don't think I can commit to blogging every day in June...but I can commit to showing you all everything I have 'created'

Part of being creative is noticing when you're actually creating. So, some of the posts will be actual projects. Some might be dinner. Or, whatever else I have found I created during the day. I am going to make a conscience effort to purposefully create. But, if I find myself at the end of the day without something I purposefully made for this challenge, I will be creative and find something I did. :)'s to the next 30 days! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. lol, i just posted something similar to my blog and checked yours only to find this! yay for creativity :)
