Thursday, July 15, 2010

whatever happened to days 21-30?

So, I failed at my 30 days of creativity. Miserably. But, I tried. And then, I stopped trying. :)
We decided to head north for the summer earlier than planned and that really threw a wrench in my crafting/creating. With the exception of several VERY creative dinners (whats that? i have a can of black beans, a can of corn, some cheese tortellini and lettuce?---mix it all together!!) I did not create for the last part of my challenge. Do you count packing everything you need for 2 adults, 1 puppydog and 1 toddler for 7 (SEVEN!) weeks into a VERY small SUV creative? If so, count that too. :)

That being said, we are now up north. Yay! While Husband and I continue to work fulltime, I am enjoying working where baby is. (We have to go to a friends' house for internet access, and she graciously agreed to watch baby while we work along with her two kids). I am enjoying the lake, the boat, the sunsets, the relaxed pace of life, the lack of shopping, the psithurism, the family time. I am NOT enjoying: the humidity. I do NOT remember the carpet feeling wet all summer growing up here. Did I block it out of my memory? Do you just get used to it? ew. and, the grocery prices. seriously. I miss my produce store. and the competitiveness of grocery stores in a city-burb.

Nothing creative to post. But, I'm sure the lack of tv/internet in the evenings will catch up with me soon. For now, I'm enjoying it reading and spending time with family that we only see a few times per year. I HAVE been fantasizing about this amazing store in Breckenridge. The owners sew EVERYTHING in the store. and its all very cute. I could see owning a store like that. We even talked about how much it would cost to try to start up something like that.

Hope you're enjoying summer!

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