Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm back

I'm back. And guess what? I'm not giving any excuses. This blog is going to morph into something else, right before your eyes.
I want to write about things--so I will! Don't forget to visit me over at my alter-ego mamatested too. I will post when the mood moves me. And when it doesn't, I won't. :)

This space is for all things non-mommy related. Because, hey, I'm still a daughter, wife, friend, woman.

Do you ever feel like you're just waiting for the next exciting thing to happen? I feel like that a lot lately. I guess I'm looking for something to be a maven of. Am I a maven of crafting? I would like to think so, but then, wouldn't a maven have a space to craft? Its sometimes hard to convince myself to create when creating involves hauling a sewing machine up from downstairs, plunking it down on the kitchen table, and then cleaning up said mess before little hands get into things they shouldn't. Don't get me wrong, I still do it. One of my goals for the year is to carve out a little 'me' space in our house. Our house isn't big. I'm eying up the know, that cavern I have down there...with boxes full of who knows what? Why do we even have all those boxes? We really need to go through them. But, I have an uncontrollable urge to try and SELL everything I don't want. Most people would just pack it up and bring it to Goodwill. Me? No, I have to think, gee, I bet I could get $5 for that. But then, I never post it to Craigslist, Ebay, etc. So, it continues to sit.

Anyway, join me on my little plight, as I make my way to finding what it is I'm a maven at. I'm already a bread-cutting maven. Just ask anyone that knows me. I can cut bread like nobody's business.

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